Surah Hajj Audio

by 123Muslim

Music & Audio


This app provides you the opportunity to listen this Surah in the voice various reciters. It also offers opportunity to listen with Urdu and English translations.There are 78 ayaat in this Surah and it was revealed in Makkah. The Holy Prophet (S) has said that reciting this Surah carries the reward equal to the number of pilgrims who have been for Hajj and those who will go for Hajj in the future.Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq has said that whoever recites this Surah once in every three days will get the opportunity of going for Hajj in the same year, and if he dies on the way, he will be granted Jannah. Someone asked what would happen if the person performing the Hajj was a sinner, so the Imam (a.s.) replied that his punishment would be reduced.